C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby
Oh yea...his bowtie was huge! And, multi-coloured. But, when was he going to get the chance to wear it again, really. He was at least in part, a little dishevled, with a suit that had been tailored at his wifes' insistance, but that nonetheless for the way he whipped himself into it, had a crookedish sort of look to it. No matter. He'd straighten it out in a bit. Right now, he did not care to be late to Professor Bunbury's garden gala. He walked slowly through the darkness until the light from the tealights was good enough to see his hand in front of him, and he picked up a joyous sort of step, carrying a gift of fine elf made '47 for the lovely Herbology Professor.
"Professor Bunbury!" He called covivially to the redhead sitting upon a rosey bench beyond the ginormous lily pads. "Don't you look lovely, m'dear." And it would be correct. "What's the occassion?", he asked wondering out loud.
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