The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas. William was afraid of the dark. There just wasn't any stopping it really; the creepiness of the shadows dancing over the trees and the weird noises casted from the unknown. But he was curious as to where everyone was headed and so here he was waking along the pathway, his back still sore from that long winded slide chute thingy that was their means of getting out of the castle. Seriously, couldn't Mastersen cushion the slide so it would be much easier on them all.
Like seriously.
Stumbling over a rock, root whatever he sighed before continuing to walk along the path, sighing in relief as he saw the pink candles. smiling slightly he wale a little further towards wherever he was going and soon spotted the pond where he had hopped across, than swam across in class. Professor Bunbury was waiting for them all and he grinned, his eyes bright.
"Evening Professor!" he said happily as he walked up to where others were and crossed his arms taking a deep breath. He looked at the tables full of food his stomach automatically emptying and soon he was starving. Mouth watering he turned back to Bunbury and tilted his head.
__________________ Forget the future signature; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAH ARI!!! |