Awwwww! How sweet! And there was no BIG EGO to be worrying about.
Except, maybe, that her newly poured butterbeer was now splash all over the floor. Pffft. As if she'd cared about that. However, if Cy were to be the done causing that, then things would've turned out very, very differently.
"Yes, we won!" she repeated, nodding...and then frowned, because she wasn't sure what he was thanking her for...oh, that.
"Isn't that job? I shouldn't thank me, really, that's what a Captain is supposed to do, no? Trust their team, and make sure everything is fine with the players...right?" well, yes, besides holding practices and all that stuff.
"'re welcome" she said, with a wide smile.
And, clearly, proceeded to pour another butterbeer...
SPOILER!!: Slytherin Cap'n
Originally Posted by
Tomasina Riddle
Paris waved at Kaika. She wanted to congratulate her. She stirred her way through everyone to sidled up to her fellow Capitan. "You did an awesome job. Congratulations!" She told her throwing her arms around the girl's waist. She wasn't tall enough to reach her shoulders.
Oh! There's Paris!
It's a shame they didn't get a chance to play against each other this term, it would've been a pretty awesome game for sure, because Kaika was certain that
Paris was the Captain people should be scared of...
But she was a nice girl, when you were on her 'good people' list.
"Aww, thank youuuu!" she said, returning the girl's 'hug'. Kaika was pretty certain that Paris was liking the fact that Hufflepuff had won.
SPOILER!!: Gryffie Captain
Originally Posted by
Miss Lissy Lou
Jack caught sight of the winning captain entering the tent, and he glanced back at Willow. He'd wait to give her her flower until later, since she still looked busy with Plymouth. How on Earth had that fellow gotten WILLOW to ride his back into the tent? It was...well, weird.
"Congrats Captain!" he said, walking up to her and handing her the small white flower (that he had oh so cleverly transformed an hour early) with the yellow Hufflepuff ribbon tied around it. What? It was his job as the only male Captain (and the Gryffindor one, at that) to be all sweet and noble, right? "About time someone beat Ravenclaw," he added with a grin.
And then...the Gryffie Captain.
So, the count simply goes as: all the Captains had congratulated the team except for one.
"Thank you" she said, with a smile on her face, and that smile was probably going to stay in the same place for a while. Plus, he gave her a flower.
"Awww, that's so nice of you to do, thank you, really" and look at the Huffie ribbon!
Yes, 'tis was all nice and sweet, until he mentioned the last part. Now,
that was fun.
"Oh, yes! You're totally was about time".
"I still wish we'd played our game, it's such a shame we didn't" yes, the Huffie/Gryffie game...what would've happened if they'd gotten the chance to play?
Originally Posted by
"...They're probably just furious that they couldn't do it again." she shrugged for the second time, her voice now in a whisper as well. She hadn't received any hostile words or jests...but then again, she had kept to herself...and she hadn't caught all those snitches.
A chuckle.
Were they, really? Because they seemed to be enjoying themselves in here as well. Or that's what Kaika was thinking, anyway.