Professor Chang read the first name from the scroll. `Moore, Adrianna!’ A short girl with wearing her hair in a ponytail came forward and put on the Sorting Hat. By her face, you could tell that she was frightened. After a minute, the Hat shouted, `Hufflepuff!’. Adrianna Moore looked relieved. She took off the hat and rushed off to the Hufflepuff table. The children of Hufflepuff cheered, and Albus could see Fat Friar clapping. `Smiths, Monique!’ Monique Smiths was put into Ravenclaw. `Thomas, Suzanne!’ The Hat took a long time to decide which house Suzanne Thomas was to be put in. `Ravenclaw!’ shouted the Hat finally.
`Bryans, Gabrielle!’ The Hat barely touched Gabrielle Bryans’ head when it yelled `Gryffindor’. Albus shifted nervously. `Don’t worry, you’ll be put in Gryffindor, I’m sure’, Rose assured him warmly. Albus smiled at her. `McDougal, Charles!’ Charles walked up to the hat bravely and put it on. Moments later, `Slytherin’ was the Hat’s decision. There was an air of excitement in the Hall. `Charles McDougal is the first Slytherin this year!’ Albus whispered to Rose. `Why yes, Scorpius Malfoy would mark second’, Rose replied. Albus was silent for a moment then said, `I don’t think he is as bad as other Slytherins. He doesn’t look as rude’. Rose opened her mouth to reply just when Professor Chang said `Potter, Albus!’ Students whispered to each other. All eyes were on him now. Albus nervously stepped out of the line and put the Hat on. `I see a lot of courage, and yes, intelligence’ Albus heard the Hat say. Albus was about to say `not Slytherin’ when the Sorting Hat yelled, `Gryffindor!’ Albus’ lips formed a wide grin. He took off the Hat and hurried off to the Gryffindor table where James had saved him a seat. The Hall boomed with applause for Albus, and Nearly Headless Nick congratulated Albus.
Now it was Rose’s turn to try on the Hat. Rose’s face reflected nothing but confidence, she would surely be in Gryffindor. It was in her blood. She walked up confidently to Professor Chang, smiled and put on the Hat, but the Hat barely touched her hair when it screamed, `Gryffindor!’ Rose ran to join her friends at the Gryffindor table. There were too many people to get sorted, and the Ceremony seemed endless. `Malfoy, Scorpius!’ Professor Chang called out. Heads turned to see Scorpius Malfoy as he nervously put on the Hat. He looked nervous. People didn’t need to pay attention, as he was obviously going to get sorted in Slytherin. Rose turned to Albus, `Here comes Sneering Scorpius! I wonder what his father was like when he was our age. He would-‘Something that the Hat yelled had caused her to stop. Albus couldn’t believe his ears. Did the Sorting Hat just sort Scorpius Malfoy into Gryffindor? All eyes were on Scorpius as he was walking towards the Gryffindor table. Rose smirked, but Albus offered him a seat beside himself. Scorpius was frightened to death. Was he actually, really sorted into Gryffindor? He, a Malfoy? That was not possible!
Amanda's Amazing Art- Thanks!