Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff
Garret perked up in his corner of the tent, where he was supposed to be celebrating his house win. However, the whole time, he could only manage glaring at the back of Plymouth's head. Which only served to darken his mood even more considering the hair on the back of that head was so gorgeously groomed that it made him feel even MORE self-conscious.
The sound of the beautiful seventh year Lyra Noir's effervescent greeting reached his ears and made him grin like a bit of a fool as he walked towards her, grabbing a slice of the Hufflepuff cake from someone's hand as he did so.
"Lyra!" he squeaked in greeting. Hmm... he coughed once and tried again: "Lyra!" There we go, that was the smooooth, even, deep voice of a man who knew what he wanted, "Did you enjoy the match?"
Great. Smooth start, Crocker. |