The little first year had to admit to be pleased with the current assignment. Invention of Potions, a most interesting procedure. And to have the opportunity to be assisted in the process... she was very excited at this possibility.
Diane opened her text book. At the moment, she was flipping pages one after the other, hunting for ideas. Step one. Let's see... it was already late afternoon, the moon may be up. Today... it was newmoon, barely waxing. Rather than picking a potion on liking, she should pick a potion with the given possibilities. New moon was good for invisibility potions.
Disguise. But not necessarily physical... disguise mental state. Unreable Potions. Something to relate to Occlumancy, fool Veritaserum... Nah, not interesting enough. Conceal from sight... conceal intentions... conceal smells. She liked that. Conceal from the senses. Conceal magical presence. She was onto something.
She made a note at the side of Babbling Potions. She made notes on Baruffio's Brain Elixir and on Scintillation Solution, along the receipie for a brevage from the Seventeenth Century. Her choices rather looked random and unrelated but, for now, she was acting on pure instinct. In any case, it would be something to fool empathic knowledge.
An infussion would be good. A solution would not be strong enough to penetrate the bloodstream and permeate the circulatory system. In this way, it would act like a Charm; but if it acted like a philter, it would need to tamper with the people-other-than-the-drinker's sense of smell.
The key was smell. Even if she was still unsure what kind of potion she would invent, she was onto a path she did not dislike at all. She might be able to find clues in Dark Magic Detectors and Mood Stones since it would very possibly affect the capillaries; in other words, thermotropic liquid crystals.
Right now her Potions journal was a mix of random notes and arrows.
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Click the siggy piccy to read the adventure... Siggy by Biochemkris for the 3rd Day of Potter Sierra + Lowlow +Julia = Ultimate Nadia Fangirls |