Lowsee ☆ The Joker ☆ Fantastic Baby! ☆ HufflyPuffly
When she mentioned the word crying, that's when he really cried. His lip quivered more than it had and the tears streamed down his cheeks. His throat felt like it was going to close up, and so hiccup noises came forth. Snot rolled down from his nose and Willie didn't even bother rubbing it away with his sleeve. This all looked odd, especially with the way he was squatting.
"Du--Du--DUN APOLOOGITHE!" He sobbed, looking like a very old man who had lost all his money and was now doomed into this position for life! Or something like that. "Ye--Ye--YWAAAHAHAA"
His whole body shook, seeing at it was really tiny. How could she tell him he had some problems with his speech?! He knew he had problems, but he never really liked to admit it! There was a reason to not acknowledge it. Too many people made fun of him out of and here both of them were making fun of him!
"NU. I DUUUN LIKE 'ER! Let 'er bee THAD! I dun CAREEEE!" Willie whined, the snot now close to his mouth. "And dun ye be touchin' me ye big ol' buggah, or I'll bitechu I THWEAR I WILL!"