And...she stepped inside...this kind of tent was now going to remind her about Drake Warren and how he totally cursed her bat, though that was easily fixed by not using the bat. Thankfully, Emalyn was very kind as to give hers to her Captain.
Actually, Kaika wasn't even sure that Emalyn knew she took her bat.
Ooooooh...cake! Er, why shaped as a snitch? She wasn't very fond of snitches...or snidgets...
Speaking of snitches...where was Jake? Surely her sweet little Huffie boy was ready much more quickly than her. And, yes, she was looking for Jake, not the Trophy

because she just wanted to check he hadn't grown a big ego all of the sudden.
"Jake! There you are!" and there's the Trophy, looking flawless. There, she knew she could trust him. Probably Bunbury doesn't feel the same way about him, though.
"Don't worry about the Trophy..." this meant, 'don't give it to me, I don't want my hands busy',
"...keep it until it's time for it to go to the Trophy Room" or OUR OWN Common Room would've been BRILLIANT...but they didn't have one, so, yes, Trophy Room.
"Oooooh....drinks!" short attention span kicking in...because she was happier than ever, and, butterbeer seemed like the way to go. Butterbeer, Rapunzel. She'll have to write very, very soon to her.