Originally Posted by
Hermione_loves_Ron Meh Reh
I'm soooo sorry about the wait for yours, but I've got two for you. =3 Personally, my favorite is the first, but the second is rather lovely, too. Totally up to you. ^____^ Pretty sure I made them look rather boyish.
I only used three of the pictures, but, save for number two, I kept them in order, and I think you'll see that what I did with number two still works with the timeline thinger. =3
Your PM made me feeeeel bad (-begs for forgiveness-), but now that I have these two, I'm rotating banners between the three I have for this story.
I LOVE love loveeeeeee the second one, and I love the first one too. They're very Xander-fied.
Tankooo so much <333