Alrighty, Laura! Here's the request I poked you on MSN about.
I would like: banners for the threads on
Level 6 of the MoM and five gold nameplates to post as the names that are engraved on the doors.
2. With this text:
- Important Announcements from the Department Head
- Department Head's Office
- Department of Magical Transportation Filing Cabinet
- Portkey Office
- Broom Regulatory Control
- Floo Network Authority
- Apparition Test Center
- Level Six Breakroom
- Magical Transportation Conference Room
- Apparition Practice/Testing Room
Nameplates for the doors:
Department Head
Bella Montez Greingoth
Apparition Test Center
Madison Masterson
Floo Network Authority
Craig Wickham
Portkey Office
Armen Recard
3. With these images:
None. You can just decorate as you see fit.
4. I would like this size:
Just as long as all the banners are the same size and all the nameplates are the same size, I'm cool with whatever.
5. Any other comments:
Thank you, Laura!!