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Old 07-24-2009, 02:41 AM   #75 (permalink)
Golden Monkey
Dark Force Defense League
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Originally Posted by Tomasina Riddle View Post
She floated next to William on her back as he spoke. She had no idea who he was talking about she didn't know any of them. And truth be told she didn't know any first years other than the one on the reserve team. "Thats really great William. Feeling that you belong to something makes you feel whole. It makes you feel good," she said softly as the gently ripples in the water caused her to wobble in the water. "Its ok I've got 6 brothers and sister and then 11 aunts on my mom's side and then 5 uncles on my dad's side and I love it." she mused thinking out loud.
He would have nodded if it wasn't for the fact he was floating in the water. "Yes it does. It just feels weird that no one ever told me. I had to owl mum and demand she tell me. I mean I had to find out through Sammy when she picked up an old picture of my dad and recognized him." he replied, the frown still etched on his face. now that he thought of it he began to wonder what else she could possibly be hiding. she was great at hiding things from him, thinking he was too young and pure to not know what was going on in the world outside his bedroom.

He blinked as she mentioned how many relatives she had. "Wow, that's a lot. Bet you get a lot of birthday and Christmas presents." he half joked, slight awe in his voice.
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