Just as Cyrus was going to yell out BOMB’S AWAY, he felt arms around his shoulder and a very familiar voice. The Aussie’s eyes narrowed and he hopped up from the slide.
“I’ll bet yah’ merlin’s snot I’am!” He said, wagging a finger pointedly. “First come, first serve mate.” He pounded his chest proudly, twice.
“You dun’ know who yah’ talkin’ to. Word through the grapevine is thah’ I’m fastah’ than to speed of light on one o’ these.” He tabbed the metal slide, making a clanking noise. “You’d be lucky to even see me!” He said in a PSHHH type of tone.
The Aussie’s eyebrow cocked into the air. “Ah, what are you tryin’ then mate?” He crossed his arms and took a step in front of the oil, as if to hide a deep dark secret.
__________________ Stalkee loves Stalker most, ALWAYS. Never forget <3 Pardnuhs for life! <333 G-FISH GANGSTAS HOLLAAA!! |