♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by HG_forever 'Okay good, that's his name.' She let out the breath she didn't know she was holding and felt more comfortable. Surely his name wasn't Bob. DUH! "Not much, I've just been locked up in the Tower and what not. You know, it's weird, no matter how afraid of heights I am, I love being higher than I should be." It was sad but true. Once she forgot about how high up she was she just stared out into the view. It always was great. There was silence for half a minute or so because she was doing that same thing now, but caught herself in time, she hoped. "I mean, I come down to eat, of course, with all the food I eat and what not, but I've never seen you...or at least I don't think I have." Oh great, what if he saw her and waved but she didn't wave back or something. Now she felt horrible, she would never do that intentionally of course. That would just be plain rude, sure he knew that she would yell hello very loud and give a dorky wave, even if they didn't know each other well...right? He nodded as she started to ramble. He wasn't sure why she was telling him half the things she was, but whatever.. "So you're afraid of heights, but you still come to a cliff?" He couldn't help but laugh a little. He didn't mean to seem rude, but he just found that sorta funny. "Yeah, I haven't really been in the towers much. Mostly in the grounds. I'm with Reese a lot." He nodded at her. |