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Masterson nodded his head thoughtfully as they said no other professors had been present for the Squid's grand speech. "Alright," he mumbled thoughtfully, holding out a hand as a letter slipped underneath his door and flew into his hand. "All I can advise you to do right now..." he paused for a second to read, and then he stood up, "all I can advise is that you keep yours eyes open and stay alert. Don't try anything on your own, that's just stupid. This obviously needs to be brought to the attention of more of the staff...which will be done soon, I assure you." He looked between the whole group. "I'm sorry if this is not the answer you were looking for."
Fallon nodded her head. "It's okay Mr. Masterson. We just figured it best to tell you. Thanks for listening to us though." She looked at Aaron to see if they were going to leave.