hey here's today's post... Not Him Again...
It was already the first week of December. The time was flying by and Sara couldn’t get in touch with her friend Rahul yet. She was getting restless again.
“hey Sara. how you doing?” said a distantly similar voice and Sara turned back and saw Roger standing there. She was already having too many things in her mind. Ginny broke the news about the ball and she was stubborn on making Sara attend the ball while Sara was thinking it as a chance to go and meet her friend. At least on the eve of the reunion of all the people who fought the war Sara thought even she could go and meet her friend. And the growing load of their studies as everyday passed was getting on her nerves too…she once recalled what her friend Aussie used to say when she used to get hyper about her studies
“chill out there cheetah…chill out…its just an exam” and she would shake her head. Sara though looking at Roger but was completely in her world.
“hey,” he said and snapped his fingers
“wha…what,” said Sara not realizing that she was looking at Roger’s face and it looked as if he was enjoying that attention. She turned away and said, “what do you want?”
“hey Sara listen. It has been 4 months and we have never talked properly ever. I want to talk to you and be friends with you,” he said
“why?” she asked simply
“’cause I like you,” he said bluntly
“I am afraid then I will restrain myself to talking to you only this much,” she said and she left and he stood there just blankly staring at her. Sara was never a girl who used to give a damn about her emotions about anyone. She always used to keep them to herself and never showed it on her face. She always ran away from anyone who said “I like you.” She had a boyfriend from another house in her 4th year, who well obviously couldn’t have been termed as a boyfriend because he tried to get plans of her team of coming quidditch match. Even after her captain telling her not to go out with him, she did. She sort of knew that the guy who she was going out was not a clean guy but yet she did go out and she still doesn’t understand the reason for her impulsive behavior. But she left him as soon as her captain’s suspicions were proved right and after he insulted her close friends. And after that she never went out with anyone. For her, her two friends Rahul and Aussie were very close and was happy to be around them. Towards her 7th year at her school she slightly developed a soft corner for one of her close friends but she never got a chance to tell him how she felt. She soon packed her bag and left in search of Rahul and her feelings were left untold. She doesn’t know where he is right now, what he is doing and whether he survived the war. Sara shivered at the thought as she sat down on the arm chair in front of the fire. Her eyes staring at the fire constantly and her face expressionless.
Last edited by harita; 04-09-2010 at 05:03 AM.
Reason: Some Changes Made