Originally Posted by
demented_death_eater Max stopped singing momentarily and took a big swig of his super caffinated coffee with his head still bobbing back and forth to whatever he was listening to. Then he sat his empty travel mug on the table and put both arms in the air and shook them back and forth. "Less! Let's dance!" he whooped loudly and took her in his arms. "WELL I CAN DANCE WITH YOU HONEY, IF YOU THINK ITS FUNNY!!!!!!!" he crooned loudly and spun her around.
Kazimeriz eyed Alessia and Vindictus with clear disapproval on his face. He drew his wand and waved it toward Max casting a spell to summon the earbuds from his ears (and his device).
"Honestly, Vindictus. This is hardly the time for a dance party. Serious matters are afoot, man!" He glared sourly at the younger man, wishing he could give him a detention for contraband items in school grounds. Probably nicked it from a student, at that.
ooc: Hey Kay, I don't see you online, so if it's not OK with you to have had him even cast AT Max's iWizheard (I didn't say if it worked!) feel free to delete this post.