Originally Posted by
"Pap-" no... he would want to be addressed formally in front of his collegues. "Professor Kazimeriz, It's lovely to see you about the castle... I trust your accomodations are to your liking?" She said giving him a kiss on each cheek and refraining from hugging him.
Professor Kazimeriz smiled at Alessia and reached his shaky arm around her, giving her a quick squeeze.
"Very much so, my dear, and thank you for the loan of your space. It is most appreciated. I trust your accomodations are satisfactory as well?" Quote:
Originally Posted by
BanaBatGirl The sound of her waterproofed Louboutin boots preceding her, Anastasia approached the midnight meeting on the seventh floor. Of course she had waited an appropriate length of time to leave her hideout in the greenhouses; she didn't want to be first and didn't want to be late. Midnight rendezvous called for a certain amount of secrecy and style.
"I haven't seen the Headmaster since that one meeting in the staff room, Kazimeriz," she spoke up as she approached the group. Annie casually leaned against the wall and crossed one foot over the other so the red underside of her boots was visible. "And I still need to lodge a complaint about the shoes in my office that got flooded...." Quote:
Originally Posted by
SeerCassandraTrelawney That was it! She was going to casually 'forget' to take her wolvesbane and then sneak into the Herbology professor's quarte- FLOBBERDUNG! She was sharing with Macadrian... hmmmm she has evaded the werewolf this month... but hopefully Pepe would know how to fix the flooding problem...
Actually the fact that Annie hadn't noticed her was a compliment... She liked being mysterious. "Fiscal I understand," GOLDDIGGER! she thought as she smiled through her anger and even let out a little chuckle, "Emotional, well... maybe for you..."
Kazimeriz watched the two women as they went back and forth like two kneazles fighting over a bowl of cream. Amusing, really, how little Alessia was being protective of his interests. It did his old heart good to be cared for. He patted the little lupine woman's hand.
Down, girl... his glance shot at her.
"Why, Miss Bunbury, I thought I asked you to call me Valon." he chuckled. He had a natural affinity to dangerous and fiery beasties, and both Alessia Lupa and Anastasia Bunbury fell squarely into this category in the old man's mind.
"I am certain that the headmaster will address the replacement of your things as soon as possible, at the present time there are safety issues with this flooding that I am certain command the majority of his time. Like yourself, I have suffered the loss of many valuable and even irreplaceable items,and our poor Slytherins and Hufflepuffs likely make the same claim. But we all must be patient in times of crisis, mustn't we?" he gently admonished her.