Formerly: Rookins   Shrake
Join Date: Sep 2005 Location: Texas
Posts: 12,432
Hogwarts RPG Name: Cassiopeia "Cassi" Nero First Year
| squishy yoshi / / i ♥ stalking Quote:
Originally Posted by cedricdiggory He laughed a little as he Anna look scared like she said when he just popped out like a mushroom."Haha,Sorry Anna."He laughed as he shook his head."err...I'm...doing...GREAT."He mumbled then followed Anna's gaze,He bet that she's looking for Myrtle. "Yeah,Canna.I think she's gone now,Is she really went here?"He asked as he glanced at the spirit room then turned back to Anna."And one more thing,why are you looking for Myrtle?."He asked,his toned almost sounds rude.He wonders why Anna was looking for Myrtle,still.If he can only help the girl to find Myrtle."If you're still looking for Myrtle,I can help you do that....if you want to..."He offered looking at Anna wistfully.
Then another girl,popped out.A seventh year,very gorgeous like Anna.Higher students all looked very well.Age doesn't matter If he was only a seventh year."Hello there!"He greeted the girl,smiling widely. Lyra watched as another Huffie student seemed to follow Banana about the room. Awwww! And he spoke to her! She grinned as she twirled a piece of hair around her finger. Clearly the boy was...YOUNG...but there was nothing wrong with flirting. Oh how she LOVED the boys. Quote:
Originally Posted by Miss Lissy Lou Jack had to admit--he really wasn't the fastest person on the GROUND. He had gotten seperated from Anna after they left the prefect's bathroom, and everyone was wandering around the castle so fast and not staying in one place and just...GAH. It made his head hurt! And his legs...he was going to have cramps in his calves all day after this little ghost hunt.
As he sharply turned the corner, he walked straight into Lyra Noir, and while she hardly moved from the impact, Jack felt right on his bum, blinking as he tried to figure out what had just happened.
"Sorry, you alright?" he asked as he stood up. Now his bum REALLY hurt--he had fallen straight down on his tailbone. He looked around and saw, to his delight, that he seemed to have tracked down Anna and that Diane girl from Slytherin. FINALLY!
"There you guys are!" Jack exclaimed with a grin. "What's happened? Did you find her?" he asked, wrinkling his eyebrows at the weird room they were currently standing in front of. Andddd speaking of boys, an almost silent 'ouch' was heard as someone ran straight into her, but she was barely touched. It was just the simple fact of using the word OUCH to let them know that they ran into her. Her green eyes turned to find the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain on the floor.
"Jack!" Her eyes widened as she knew him but didn't...know him. o_O "Yeah! I'm okay but are you-" She didn't finish her question as he was already asking questions as well. "Guess you are fine then," she smirked as she poked his arm with a giggle. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Once again, Anna jumped at the sound of yet another voice. She'd been concentrating so deeply on the search for Myrtle that her mind had drifted far from her current location. She turned around and gave Lyra a mock-irritated face, then playfully swatted the girl on her shoulder. "We're looking for Myrtle, and it's very important that we find her," she said, giving Lyra a look that clearly said 'this you don't want to miss'.
"When dealing with Myrtle," Anna answered Aislynn, whispering so as not to be overhead by the ghost herself, "you have to be...gentle, so to speak. She's easily offended, so the trick to getting her to cooperate with you is to make sure she stays happy at nearly all costs. You can always try summoning her, but my advice is to continue to try and get her to come to us, so when it comes to asking for her cooperation, she'll likely...well, cooperate."
Anna leaned over and whispered into Cedric's ear. "We'll explain later," she said, not wanting to tell the story aloud right now and chance Myrtle overhearing. Myrtle always seemed reluctant to answer questions about the flood, so if she figured out that's what they were all here for, she'd likely flee. "We'd appreciate any help we could get, though. Why don't you try this, Cedric. Walk closer to the barrier and call out to her. Tell her your name and that you'd like to read her some poetry. She gaved Cedric a look that said 'just trust me on this one'.
She turned to notice that Jack Fritzera had arrived...and he was also sitting on the ground. She'd been turned around when he'd ran into Lyra and fallen down. "Oh, Jack! You're here! No time for sitting, though. We've got to try and get Myrtle out this room," she said. She motioned for him to join Cedric at the barrier, hoping that maybe with two boys here, she'd come out for sure.
"The barrier," she said, turning to Diane, "has been here for as long as I've known this room to exist. From what I can recall, no one that I know of has ever been able to cross it. Except for the ghosts, that is. It was a good try, though." She turned back towards the barrier and joined Diane in calling out for Myrtle. "Myrtle...won't you please come out? The boys intending to read you poetry are here," she said. Lyra raised a brow at her dearest friend Banana as she caught 'the look'. Now she was not leaving for nothing, unless Kaziman came into the bathroom then she would think twice about it.
As she explained about Myrtle, Lyra had to add in her two cents as well. "You have to also let her know that she is the star here, the one we want to help us." Buttering up a ghost was always fun and well, Myrtle was one to really have fun with.
"Yes there are boys here to see you." Like she had an idea of what they were going to do. She leaned into Banana with a questionable look on her face. "What do we need her for?"