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Old 07-20-2009, 03:34 AM
masterofmystery masterofmystery is offline
Post Videos: Potter stars meet contest winner on Deathly Hallows set (UPDATED)

A young Japanese fan got the chance to visit the Deathly Hallows set recently, where she met Rupert Grint (in partial costume as Ron Weasley) in the Hogwarts corridors. Rupert briefly spoke about Half-Blood Prince, including Ron and Lavender's relationship, and was kind enough to heed to a few of the fan's wishes. It can be viewed below.


UPDATE: The fan met Daniel Radcliffe, too, in Snape's office from the last installments. The videos were aired on the Japanese programme Sanma no Karakuri; the segment can be seen below:

UPDATE #2: Emma Watson was also interviewed by the young fan on the Deathly Hallows set (in the Great Hall), where she spoke about the romance of the sixth film. It's much shorter than the boys' meetings, and can be seen below:

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