Helena agreed with his words with a small nod, being sure to keep the smile plastered on, though not awkwardly so. It was pretty high, she commented, thinking back to that day. Some people didn't get out until it was nearly over their heads, but still, it was about at my waist when I finally got out, she said, taking another bite of mashed potatoes thoughtfully
Chris looked at Lena. "
Really?" He asked. "
Over their heads. What happened if they couldn't swim? I'm guessing it wasn't good then." He said. "
Still I wonder what's make all this happen. I mean it's getting really bad now." Chris said. It was true pretty soon they would probably all get stuck in the common room or something.
Originally Posted by
Melinda grinned at Lena and her comment about her cooking. "Thanks, Lena...I...am actually attending a school to become a chef, in Paris..." She told her, nodding. "That's why the mention of school and such events that I have to attend to work..." She said, letting out a long sigh, then another bite of food. Noticing the way Helena reacted when Chris and Mel held hands, her body became tense and let go of his hand. Not a great idea...not now.
"Oh...it's normal. I now have a lot of work, which pays well...so I don't complain anymore...And it keeps me away from grandma's house, which I thank a lot these days." Melinda said, answering to both Charlie and Chris. This at home had gotten pretty tense. JoAnne was getting married to that guy named Jean Paul and Mirelda wasn't actually happy with the decision. Of course, nothing, no one was good enough for her grand-daughters.
A chat about the common room had overcome and Melinda didn't comment at all. She was recieving letters from time to time to tell about Hogwarts, including a copy of the Daily Prophet with the most interesting news during the month. It had been a mystery by then...it was weird.
Chris noticed Lena's reaction when Mel took his hand. He gulped and was thankful that Mel let go of his hand. He put his hand back on his knee and bit his lip.
"Yes this is true. And I'm guessing being an owner wouldn't get less busy. I would figure it would get more. But at least you get to see what it's like now. And you are doing something you like and making money." Charlie said.
Things gotten worse with your grandmother? What's that witch doing now?" He asked slightly disgusted.
Emily looked at Chris when he called Melinda's grandmother a witch. "Christopher watch your language." She warned. Sure wasn't like he called her a bad name but it still wasn't nice.
Chris looked at his mum. "
Sorry mum." He said.