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Old 07-17-2009, 04:50 PM   #17 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dezi Willard
Fifth Year
Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door

Originally Posted by Celandine View Post
Celandine had come into the classroom skipping but she stopped when she saw the look on the Slytherin Prefect's face.

There was something about it that seemed... familiar? Close to home? Whatever it was, Cel had a feeling about it, so she stopped skipping and quietly walked over to take a seat next to the older girl, offering a little smile and picking up a bag of runes to hold in her lap.

Hello runes, I'm Celandine. She spoke to them in her head and shot another glance at Evangeline.

She leaned over and gave Evangeline a nudge then reached into her rune bag and drew out three runes, one at a time.

She held them up long enough for the older girl to see before replacing them in her bag and facing front again and giving Evangeline one more encouraging little smile as she wondered a bit at the strange feeling.
Focused as she was on her shoes, Evangeline didn't notice someone had sat beside her till they nudged her. Oi? What was it with people these days? Her upset expression changed somewhat when she noticed it was Celandine - happiness herself. Oh ... and what was that? Chatting through runes, eh?

Nauthiz. Wunjo. Tiwaz. Runes of joy and need and emotions control. And battle ... and courage. Hmm. It was almost like Celandine knew. Well, of course she knew. Everybody who had a piece of that bloody gossip-nest people called Aparecium knew.

But that had been the first words - somewhat - of comfort Evangeline had had and a kinda of warm feeling rushed through her. Mimicking Cela's smile, Evangeline felt her lips awkwardly curl upwards in a smile.

Originally Posted by Waterloo View Post
With a sigh, Clifford traipsed into the Ancient Runes classroom. He didn't even have the heart to be afraid of Professor Lupa as he wandered slowly past her, eyes on the ground.

was in here. He could ... feel it. Her presence.

Without looking up, Clifford plopped himself messily on the floor infront of a bag of runes. What were they gonna learn about today? Thurisaz?

Thor and his hammer, right? That was fitting. He felt like he'd taken quite a beating from Thor and his bloody hammer.
A smile that faded away once she took notice of Clifford walking into the 'classroom'. Looking a lot worse for wear. The warmness of Celandine's gesture soon got replaced by a feeling of guilt rushing through her and Evangeline took a deep sigh.

She really needed to focus.

Originally Posted by SeerCassandraTrelawney View Post
"Prefect Green, lovely to see... you." Odd... she the girl must have something on her mind...

"Morning Miss Toussaint..." Alright... the girl had stopped skipping! Oh no no, this wouldn't do! She reached into her drawer and took a handful of sweeties out of it, she gave one to Chris, one to Evangeline, and one to Celandine, patting her head. "Cela, please hand out the rest of these to your fellow students as they enter the class. We'll need a lot of sugar today!" She said with a smile.

"Students," she began, "I'm going to wait a little longer for people to arrive... but I am starting to think I will need to call Professor Kazimeriz to bring us a euphoria draught to get you all in a good mood. I cannot hold this class if you all seem down!"
Yes, focus before Professor Lupa decided to tell her off or something! Kindly accepting the candy the woman had handed out to her, Evangeline tried to return the smile. Hmmm. Better to just eat the candy. She usually wasn't a candy lover, but since ... lately, she had turned out to be quite a candy addicted. Sugar was almost a replacement.

Only that not really.

Either by the sugar now on her blood or by Lupa's words of getting Kazimeriz, Evangeline decided that if she had bothered to be in class, she'd make it worth it. Focus, focus, focus!
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