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Old 07-17-2009, 06:45 AM   #25 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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"Good day, Miss Porter, Mr. Kaiser, Prefect Potter, good to have you in the class." He said, greeting the students in return as they entered the class.

Originally Posted by Jessica94ear View Post
Iris climbed up into the divination classroom, unsure of if she likes the lesson or not. She made her way into the classroom and sat down, before saying 'good moring professor, how are you today?" with a fake smile.
"Quite well, Miss Beaumont. Thank you for asking." He replied in kind as more of the students entered.

Originally Posted by Waterloo View Post
He'd told himself he wouldn't be going to any classes ever, ever again. Yet, here he was. It didn't feel like he was 100% here though.. it was like he was only here in body. Oh well.

Dragging his rucksack behind him, Clifford made no effort to acknowledge Professor Kapoor as he made his way to the very back of the classroom.
Headboy bag draggin'. Clifford appeared to be quite tired. No wonder he didn't bother to lift his bag up off the floor. Those NEWTS would surely be intense to study for. Poor boy. He almost felt bad that the day's lesson was likely to be a rather intense subject.

Originally Posted by MeredithRodneyMcKay View Post
Ah Divination.The climb up to the tower always got the heart pumping....and made you out of breath.Although now that the Huffies were sharing with the Ravvies,Sarah had gotten somewhat used to climbing a load of stairs.
Making her way in to the classroom,Sarah noticed that she was the first Hufflepuff to arrive. Hope I'm not the last,we need the points! Glancing around the room her eyes fell on a large cauldron,steaming not far from the Professors' desk. "Interesting," she mumbled under her breath as she walked past,taking a peek at the contents on the way.Looking up she saw the Professor himself, "Good day Professor Kapoor!" she smiled breezily,taking a seat near the back,just in case any animals were present like last time.
"Nice to see you, Miss Griffin. Come on in." He welcomed.

Originally Posted by Crayola View Post
Divination wasn't one of the necessary NEWT level classes she needed to take, but for once, Evangeline was even happy she was such a bookworm. Happy she needed to fill up her time, because now .. well, she honestly did need to fill it. To stop herself from going all depressed.

Still, there was no sparkly smile in Kapoor's direction when she walked into the class. A silent nod was all he got, before she made her way to a desk at the middle of the class, her eyes on the ground just incase ... yeah.

And, the same for Prefect Green. NEWTS and keeping order in a shared common room could not have been easy from the looks of both students, Clifford and Evangeline.

Originally Posted by Monkey Princess View Post
William scowled as he walked into the classroom, his eyes downcast. His mother had yet to send him his new textbooks or his shoes and he hadn't been able to get into hogsmeade yet, he just hoped he didn't loose points for wearing the bunny slippers. Walking quickly to his seat he sat down pulling out a quill and sighing.
Kapoor did a double take as William entered the class room looking as though he could've done for some preparatory tools...and perhaps, a pair of shoes. "Mr. Cullack, where have your shoes gone?" He asked with an both an air of concern and the indication that the shoes might've had a choice in the matter.

Originally Posted by Mugglemad View Post
Victoria walked into the classroom and see the professor behind his desk "Good morning Professor!" she went to find a site.
"Nice to see you, Miss Jamieson." He said greeting her in return and preparing to start the class.

Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
Elizabeth slipped into the Divination classroom, for once having exchanged her usual ballet slippers for some boots. Mainly just because she didn't want to deal with her feet getting wet again, like they had the last time she'd been able to go to the Great Hall. At least she still had a lot of her stash of snacks from that excursion, even if she had ended up completely drenched to the bone in the process.

Breaking herself free of her tangent as she heard Professor Kapoor speak, she looked at him with a smile. "Hi, Professor Kapoor. You look like you're doing well today," she greeted him, before tilting her head in curiosity at the cauldron he had mentioned. Must be something related to what they were discussing in class. Unless Potions was infiltrating other classrooms now, but she was fairly certain they were still in Divination. Craning her neck slightly as she passed the full cauldron, she glanced inside carefully, but couldn't quite figure out what the contents were. And, feeling more and more like she'd ended up in Potions again, and hoping Peeves didn't show up to throw whatever was in that cauldron around, like he did in that one Potions class last term, she then made her way to an empty seat and sat down.
"Thank you, Miss Andrews. It must be the spring weather." Also, the fact that he was far and away from the troublesome dampness brought on by the flood. He noted the curiousity with which the students were observing the large cauldron and pondered putting something a bit more suprising in there next time he'd have to hold a scrying class. Like fruit punch. Perhaps, he'd tell them all it was an elixir to induce werewolfism. Would enough of them know that there was no such thing before he could have a bit of a joke with it?

Originally Posted by bone_baud10 View Post
"Hi professor," said Thomas entering the classroom being careful that he won't hit or get hit by the cauldron. Thomas picked a table in the second row and sat on the chair behind the table.
After he sat on the chair, he took out his books, inkwell and his feather and started reading his notes for the previous lesson while he was waiting for the class to begin.
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie View Post
Divination? Awesome!

Fyo made his way up the trapdoor in the North Tower, wondering what they were going to study, this lesson: Professor Kapoor always came up with quirky, little, fun things for them to study, and the third year had no doubt this lesson was going to be fun, too.

"Good day, sir," he greeted their Divination professor, finding himself a seat near a few, fellow Gryffindors and propping open his textbook. Hmm.. What was that cauldron for, now?

Originally Posted by cedricdiggory View Post
Ced entered their Divination classroom.He saw another student as he entered,"Hello Professor Kapoor." He smiled happily,Then he took a seat behind a griffie boy.
"Good day Mr. Turner,...Leone,...Balouch." He turned his head for a minute to move back over to Mr. Cullack while Balouch and another student had a conversation. Seeing, a strange expression upon Fyo's face, he paused. "Mr. Balouch, are you feeling alright for the lesson?".
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