OOC: Relating to your edit, it wasn't a mistake, DanialRad. SenoritaMaxie (Fyo) guesed Satine's organization correctly. It's the Brotherhood of Goblins.
With Anna's answer and the professor's comment, a new question arose in Diane's mind. Could the organization be... Ah, let's not think, she had no guesses left anyways. Besides, she was interested in the answer to the last questions.[/Unnecessary, yes. Posting only so it's not an only OOC post...]
Click the siggy piccy to read the adventure... Siggy by Biochemkris for the 3rd Day of Potter Sierra + Lowlow +Julia = Ultimate Nadia Fangirls
Last edited by Con_Stripes; 07-17-2009 at 11:30 AM.
Reason: ;)