Thread: Harry Potter: 19 Years Later - Sa9+
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Old 07-16-2009, 12:05 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Michelle Wingmist
Fourth Year
Default 19 Years Later - Sa9+

Hi everyone, my name is Rajeshwari but I'm better known as Tina or RJ. This story starts from the last chapter of Deathly Hallows- 19 Years Later. So basically, this is about the lives of James and Albus Potter, and Rose Weasley.
Special thanks to Joanne for creating this wonderful world which all of us love so much. The main characters of my story are hers, of course, but this story is mine. So here goes:

Albus was feeling nervous about his first year at Hogwarts. `Don't be such a scaredy-cat, Al! Gryffindor is for the brave ones, and what if you don't get sorted into a house at all?' James teased. `Would that happen?' asked Albus, anxiously. James laughed and said, `Relax, don't you remeber what Dad had said? It doesn't matter what house you're in, all that matters is that you're a good student.' Albus tried to calm down. He was dieing to go to Hogwarts since he was eight. His dad had told him stories about the time when he was at Hogwarts himself. How he had listened with full attention, and how he had envied his brother, James, when owls arrived with letters from Hogwarts. Now, when the time had come, he felt like he was about to tackle a dragon. `What is wrong with me, I should be happy about going to Hogwarts', he thought to himself. He tried to think about the Great Hall that his father had told him about. The way he described it, Albus longed to see what it would be like when he arrived at Hogwarts. He drifted off to sleep, thinking about all these things.

Albus was awoken by the excited whispers of other students in the carriage. `...there it is....'. `Look....we're close!' Albus looked around for his brother but he was nowhere to be seen. Then he spotted Rose. He went up to her and asjked,` Are we nearing Hogwarts?' `Yes, we'll be there in about fifteen minutes. You should go change into your robes. James has gone to change.' Albus waited for a few minutes and then went off to change into his brand new robes. He was at last excited to start his year at Hogwarts.

Albus and the others got off the train. They could hear Hagrid calling out, `Firs' years over here! Firs' year? Come 'ere, Albus! Rose, all righ' there?' The first years climbed onto the boat. `You'll be gettin' yer firs' look of Hogwarts righ' now!' As they moved on, Albus heard a loud `ooh'. He looked up and caught his first glimpse of Hogwarts. His stomach turned over as he saw it. It was a grand castle. The boat halted at a cliff and the children got off the boat. They climbed onto the rocks and then went up a flight of stone steps till they reached the door. Hagrid knocked softly at the door, and Albus couldn't imagine what it would be like inside Hogwarts. He expected something very different from what he had thought it would be like when his father told him about it. At last the door opened and in walked the clhidren.

Please comment on this story. This is my first story on SS, but I've written some stories before. Only some, though, and how much could I write if I'm only twelve. I have LOTS of schoolwork in 7th Grade. If you have anything to critisise, please do. And if you like the story, please do leave a comment.

Amanda's Amazing Art- Thanks!

Last edited by Prongs.RJGirl; 03-29-2010 at 08:23 AM. Reason: fixing the rating format
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