Yeah, it's old now but I never wrote my review here so here goes...
Let me say up front: I REALLY LOATHED THIS FILM!
Yes, I actually hated it when I saw it in theaters. The first (and hopefully only) Potter film I couldn't stand at all.
I still *almost* hate it, but now I can maybe say I strongly dislike it, as I do see some redeeming parts and even some quite excellent scenes. Overall, I rate it 2 stars on this thread.
I almost gave up watching the films because of this. I will not see HBP in theaters but I may go see Deathly Hallows, since it will be in two parts it gives me hope they will stick closer to the book.
I have enjoyed all the films up till this one which made it all the more disappointing. I'm sure you've heard the complaints before, but here they are:
Basically it all boils down to a totally shabby translation of the book. Bad, cartoony lines. Horrible set design (Ministry of Magic!). And WAY too much important stuff (mostly towards the end) cut out.
It could be mostly the new writer's fault but I don't care who to blame, it still sucks.
On the good side, the acting was (as always) top notch and Imelda Stanton as Umbridge was especially terrific! I wish I could have liked it more.