Originally Posted by
unicornkeeper07 "Who do I see to make an appointment?" Aislynn said jokingly back. She watched Anna work a bit, she did have a knack for it.
"Actually, it's from France," Aislynn said about the hair spray. "It's a fairly knew product, I have an uncle who's a hair stylist over there. He always keeps me updated on the latest fads."
She noticed that the way Anna looked at Copernicus that she felt like she interrupted an important conversation. "Well, again, I'm sorry for bumping into you. Keep the hair spray, I have plenty back in the dormitory. Tell me if you like it. And have a pleasant evening the two of you with your friends over tea." She smiled widely. It must be nice to have a group to hang out with, she thought.
"You see
me, of course!" Anna said, flipping her hair back and batting her eyelashes for added dramatic effect. She giggled, then listened as Aislynn talked about where her hair product had come from. No wonder the name was so difficult for her to pronounce! She'd never been any good at foreign languages. "I bet French styles are really amazing, too." Lyra had lived in France for a while, and boy did she know a thing or two about the fashion industry. Cope, though, was probably the type to care less about where his hair products had come from. As a matter of fact, he seemed a bit leary of her doing anything different with his hair in the first place.
Originally Posted by
Cassirin "No, I don't trust your discretion in this matter, Anna. You want me to believe it looks good," he peered at himself in the small mirror before frowning. "Aislynn... don't go. You're the impartial observer here. Any bald spots? Do I look... sporty?" He said the word gingerly, as if unsure he actually wanted to look 'sporty'.
"Why does it smell like this?"
Anna sighed and mirrored Cope's frown. She'd thought she did a really good job, but maybe he was just skeptical of trying something so new and out of the ordinary for him. She nodded at his words and glanced up at Aislynn. "Oh, yeah, please do stay. You can tell Cope how good his hair looks," she said, laughing lightly. When her hand got tired, she lowered the mirror and shook her head in reply to Cope's questions. "You are
not bald, Cope. I told you that I think you look really nice." A noise could be heard coming from somewhere down the corridor, although Anna couldn't place exactly what it was. Catchy beat, though. She hummed along as she listened to it getting closer and closer.