my bad, wandered off for a moment Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight In his twelve year old mind, Jake couldn't begin to think of people that had tried to help him. In his eyes, those people had soon become irate and fed up and no longer willing to help, meaning... well... they weren't helpful anymore. His impatience was contagious, though Jake didn't realise it as much as e refused to admit that he WAS impatient. Biting down hard on his thumb, Jake shrugged, the uncomfortable look of someone who was totally lost firmly on his face.
"Ladders?" Jake asked, looking slightly confused. He had heard nothing about these ladders, mainly because alot of his time was spent in the common room... library... under his beeeeeeeed... the usual. "Celandine? I know her," he added quietly, nodding as he remembered that uncomfortable scene in Bontecou's office... where Kazi had CRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIED. "I might ask." Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr not.
And then Jake spotted a problem with the other plan. "But, like, when I get mad and stuff... it's hard to take your attention away from it and just think of something else. I act on impulse, always have," Jake explained. Well, didn't every child at first? Human nature... though admittedly that phase should have passed. "I... I can't help it," he mumbled, resenting himself just for saying that.
Meh, home. "My dad might be able to take me... but he said I'd be doing something this summer... like all summer." And not the most climb-worthy of things... althouuuggghhh...
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |