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Zoerawrr Yeah... that made no sense. Mhmm. Deciding to just... not react to the first part of what the professor said in no way other than watching the man, Jake leaned back and rested his head on the top of the back of the chair.
Maybe that quote would come in handy one day.
Intentionally trying to get expelled?
Frowning, Jake considered this idea for a moment or two. "I don't think so... I... I'm not sure," he replied quietly. Maybe it was a subconscious thing he was doing... grrrrrr. So confusing! No wonder his head wasn't working too well.
"Erm... how do you mean?" he asked, grinding his palm against the side of his head. "I read manuals of muggle things," he tried, pointing to his German and Russian computer. "We have alot of muggle things at home... it reminds me, and I don't read fiction. Erm... I don't know."
"You should think about whether you are or not because I hate to inform you Jake, but you are mighty close to crossing that line and having that happen whether you want it or not." Ethan told the Hufflepuff equally as quiet, in a voice that was tinged with regret. "I would not want to see you leave."
He wouldn't either. Jake was pretty smart under all that crazy.
"It doesn't have to be reading, though if that is something that works for you, go for it. It could be... just finding a spot you like and sitting their quietly, thinking, climbing trees, playing sport, running, enjoying a particular kind of food, writing... anything that helps ground you, takes away stress or clears your mind from the things that make you so angry all of the time."