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"Cela, you know that I don't sign body parts," Vindictus said and frowned at the pros who were autographing anything that was shoved at them. "If you want, I'll give you an autograph that has actual value - my Beater's Bat from the last Quidditch World Cup I competed in. Would you like that?"
"Yes sir." Celandine agreed with a little grin, she had know that he wouldn't likely... "Oh really? You
would? Ohhh Professor Vindictus that would be wonderful! A signed beaters bat! From an amazing player!" Cela squeed quietly to herself and grinned at Professor Vindictus. "I would love that an awful lot, sir!"
Cela grinned conspirationally at Daphne. "So I guess I can offer my other arm up for Drake Warren after all."