Thread: Autograph Tent
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Old 07-14-2009, 12:35 AM   #231 (permalink)
Drake Warren
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 92
Default Moving quotes around to make it easier =)

Originally Posted by Celandine View Post
"Hmm? Oh! That's Reese. She's a Slytherin." So... automatic cool. Celandine waved over at Reese and Jack and maybe possibly shot a speculative glance at Drake Warren (because maybe she did kind of have a thing for beaters?). "Jack! Reese! Hiiiiiiiii!"
Drake finished sighing another autograph, smiling warmly at the person before he looked up, feeling someone's eyes on him. Spotting a girl he smiled in her direction before looking back down and taking another long sip of his tea.

Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post
So, she wasn't sure about the autograph thing...BUT, then she heard a voice she'd never heard before.

And the voice gave autographs to many, many others while she simply...kept drinking some pumpkin juice. Greeeeeaaaaat impression. Not that she honestly cared. He wasn't a Wasps player, he was....the enemy ...because he played for the Arrows. Er, but that wasn't the point at all.

"Why, thank you, Sir...though, I'm more of a Beater, actually" however, Punz placed her as Keeper many times while she was Captain, and Punz was always right, but she was more into beating bludgers since beating Dominic with a bat was out of the question.

And the broom..."A Silver Arrow" because that used to be her dream broomstick up until she got it, "But this one..." she started to say, gesturing towards the Firebolt, "...well, I was wondering if you could sign the handle for my brother, his name is Trey, and he's a big Appleby Arrows fan..." there was bitterness in there somewhere, "...actually, I think you might know my father...Jack Lockhart...he was chaser for like 15 years or so in there..." because repeating the team's name was out of the question now, "...he's now in the administration part of the team" but a Quidditch player was most likely to know another player, not the people in charge of the administration of a team anyway.

Heck, why not? She eyed the bat that was held in the same hand as the broom, her bat, "Since you're a Beater..." no kidding, everyone knew that, " can sign my bat" and trust me, this was an honor, considering she was a fan of his rival team, "I'm Kaika, by the way" personalized was better, so Trey wouldn't feel the need to take the bat from her.
Drake quirked an eyebrow, smiling warmly at her. "Beater eh? That's a tough position, and if I may be so bold one of the best." he replied nodding as he looked at her.

Looking down at the broom in her hands his eyes glistened ."Ahh the Firebolt, good broom that one is. Sure I can sign it for him. Always happy to sign something for a fan of mine." he said taking out his quill and flourishing it before writing his message

SPOILER!!: signature
To Trey,
Keep rooting for the Arrows. We're glad to have you as a fan.
Drake Warren, Beater for the Appleby Arrows

At the mention of Jock Lockhart he grinned, "Ah Jack, good man he is. Very good Quidditch payer too. Tell him I say hello." he replied remembering the last time he had played with him. It had to be one of his last games hadn't it? He couldn't quite remember in all honesty but he was sure of playing with Jack.

"Well Kaika, I'll be happy to sign your bat." He said grinning as he took it from her. It felt good in his hands, and he swung it a few times in a low arch. "Good balance. you take good care of it don't you?" He asked as he bent his head down and wrote,

SPOILER!!: signature
To Kaika,
May your swings be mighty and you balance be true.
Drake Warren, Beater for the Appleby Arrows

"There you go hon, keep swinging." He said handing the bat back and smirking a sly smirk.

Originally Posted by Celandine;8393311
"You played pretty well Jack, I mean you can't [I
quite[/I] compare with Clifford or Tino or Dom-in-ick as far as Quidditch players go, but you are pretty awesome! Probably the best Gryffindor! At least, you know, now that Tobi doesn't go here anymore!" Cela told him enthusiastically, quite clearly meaning it as a compliment.

"And heyyy what an awesome prize!" Celandine gestured at herself, Daphne and Reese. "Getting to hang out with three gorgeous blondes! You should practice your swoon-making wink so that when you are all famous, you can do what they do and make all our hearts go a-flutter!" Cela apparently thought the idea to be hilarious. She offered a friendly grin at Jack and peeked over at Drake Warren again.
As he looked up again he saw the same girl give him a look. Speaking of bats he thought, his needed to be cleaned. The gunk on it had probably dried by now, leaving a gross sticky residue on it. Taking it out of his robes pocket he shuddered, his wand in his hands in an instant. Using a silent charm he cleaned the bat until it was spotless and shiny. Nodding, he lifted the bat, swinging it over his shoulder again. May as well let people see it he thought.
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