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Oh. My. GOSH!
These people were professionals! So what if they had just been BEATEN by the Hogwarts supah team? P. R. O. F. E. S. S. I. O. N. A. L. S. PROFESSIONALS! Ohmygosh! Fyo felt like HYPERVENTILATING!
ZOMG! Kip Norwood! ZOMG!
"Err - hey - umm, mister Norwood?" Fyo began, not sure how else to address him. "Could you please sign my autograph diary? And a book?" Please? Pretty please? And, without waiting for a response, the third year held out an autograph diary, a book, and a quill.
"Meeee!" Fyo exclaimed excitedly. "I mean," he added, collecting himself. "It would be awesome if you could, you know, sign in my autograph diary - I mean - please," he ended lamely.
Where the heck was Torin when Fyo needed him most?
Kip turned to the sound of his name. He gave the boy a smile, before stepping toward him.
"Course I'll give you an autograph." he chuckled. Wait. Boys have diarys now? He took the small book and pulled out his raven feathered quill.
"Who would ya like me to address it to?" he asked, glancing up at the boy.
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Dani ran toward Kip Norwood and had to stop herself from tackle pouncing him. She stared up at him with wide eyes. "Hi... You're my favorite." She looked at all of the people swarming MacKenzie. Pssh. It was all about Norwood. She stood there staring at him for a moment. "Can I have your autograph?" She held out her little Ravenclaw Quidditch flag. Please Say Yes. Please Say Yes. Please Say Yes. Her little heart was fluttering like mad.
Then another student was running up to him. What a way to boost his already huge ego. Kip loved it. When the girl told him he was her favorite, he gave her a heartbreaking smile.
"Well since I'm your favorite, how can I refuse?" he chuckled.
"Now what is your name, pretty eyes?" he aksed, moving a string of her hair out of her eyes.
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Colin MacKenzie
“Not to worry, not to worry, miss,” MacKenzie said with a little chuckle. “I’m sure that this little favor will be a pretty simple one. You see, I’m sort of looking for someone – to keep an eye on them – and I just need a little help looking for him as this is a rather big tent. You know Kip Norwood, right? Chaser for the Falmouth Falcons.” Whose hair is NEVER properly groomed to be seen by the public. Another thing I will need to yell at Rex about. “I’m sure you say him earlier today when you were commentating today. … Anyway, what I need you to do is hop on up on my shoulders so you can look around for him and tell me where he is. Up for the job?”
That should cheer her up a little bit, right? Hopefully. She would be the only person to ever do something like this…
Kip once again heard his name. But this time he recgonized the voice. Ducking his head down, he listened for the voice again. Colin MacKenzie's voice sounded charming. Charming! That was never a good sign. And apparently he was looking for him. Bugger. That could only mean one thing. Mackenzie wanted to give him a speech! No!
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Daphne was convinced that Colin MacKenzie reminded her a whole lot of her bodyguard/nanny Davis. He was tall, beefy with kind eyes. However, Davis wasn't exactly the most sociable of human beings and he insisted in pretending there was DANGER in every nearby bush, shadow and bucket. "Yes, I'm quite aware of that, Sir," quipped Daphne with a polite grin. "We're all very happy and honored that you've all agreed to play here. With us. Well--them," corrected the blond gesturing at Tino in the distance raiding the food table.
Lip Poopwell? He was looking for that horrible man? "Yes, I know him. We--exchanged words. Earlier," informed Daphne deciding she'd deduct 100 more points off Kip Norwood just because she could and just because his memory still irritated her. "If I must help you I suppose there's nothing I can--"
Eh? Daphne quirked a brow at Colin MacKenzie. He wanted her to get on his shoulders?
"Sir, with all due respect," began the blond once more. "It's very generous of you to offer your shoulders to me." Right? "But I'd much rather stick to the ground."
Although this would be a perfect moment to enrage her Mother with a highly improper act Daphne would have to pass up on it. She was 14 years old, Merlin's Beard. What would people think? "You have very handsome shoulders though." Not wanting to offend him, she reached out and clapped him on the side of his arm.
Good chap, this one. 500 POINTS for trying.
Ducking further behind the girl with the pretty eyes, he listened again for the girl who he had spoke to earlier. And she rejected getting on his shoulders to help search for him! Brilliant. He knew he had liked the girl. She was on his side. Take that Mr. Hot Snot! Kip slowly made his way through the crowed, trying not to be spotted by the annoying captian.