Thread: Autograph Tent
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Old 07-13-2009, 06:54 AM   #207 (permalink)
Colin MacKenzie
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 148
Default This is the Hot Scot's last post for the night. Don't worry! He'll be back later. ;D

Originally Posted by Miss Lissy Lou View Post
Jack took the autograph from Colin and looked at it...he hadn't even signed his name! Ahh well, it was still in Colin's handwriting, which was something. "Oh, thanks!" he said with a genuine grin. He had to admit--getting autographs was F-U-N! Even if they were from egomaniacs like Colin.
MacKenzie beamed when Other Boy thanked him for the autograph. “Not a problem at all, my boy. Not a problem aaaaaat all. It was my absolute pleasure!”

After Other Boy went and did whatever kids named Other Boy do, he looked at Anna. Weeeell? What did she think about his autograph? It certainly was one of a kind. Though, later on Anastasia was going to get the best autograph he had ever given to anyone. No one but Anastasia and he would know about that for sure. It’d be their little secret.

Three more minutes.…

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Hunt him down? Hunt him down? Was this dude for freaking serious? Had he not been the Colin MacKenzie, Anna would have rolled her eyes at him and really let him have a piece of her mind. As it was, though, she just...pretty much...stood there and let it go. When he called her by name again, she smiled and started the hair-twirling process all over again. EEEE, he was getting out parchment...parchment for her autograph! In her mind, she sort of squealed, but she didn't dare do such outloud. She'd already stuttered like a babbling idiot out there on the field. She wanted Colin to at least see that she had some sense to her.

He sure was taking a little longer than the usual to sign his name, though. Dare she believe he was writing a special little note to her? Oh, had to have been the hair twirling. Then finally, he was passing the parchment over to her, and she could clearly see a rather long message on it. Her heart skipped about ten beats then, especially when he leaned over to whisper something to her. “I’m serious about that last bit there. Share that with no one. I don’t need anything nasty going on with love potions being mixed in. It’s happened before!” Ohh, last part? What in Merlin's name had he wrote to her? Her eyes scanned through the paper, growing wider and wider as she read more and more words. Owl him? Owl him?!?! She gazed up at him, her eyes sparkling with fangirlness, and said, "I won't forget...Colin," she said. "Remember to owl back. I like jewelry, high heeled shoes, and oversized handbags." Ha. If he could be so stuck on himself as to make requests, then so could she. The guy was cute, though...extraordinarily so. She could overlook that one little flaw. "Thank you, Colin."
It seemed to take a while to get a reaction out of Anna after he had handed her his autograph, a little note included. Maybe he had shocked her so much that she couldn’t speak? Well, that has been known to happen before … but this was Anna Greingoth, the girl who had swiped that Snitch right from underneath Emma Greene’s nose. Surely she wasn’t that surprised. And after all they’ve been though together?! Naaaaaw! That was just a few quick conversation or two and an autograph. Surely Anna was better than this. That was what he expected. Plus she knew how to do the HAIR THING LIKE ANASTASIA! Look! Look! She did it again!

MacKenzie let out a sigh of relief when she finally responded to him. Thank Merlin! I was beginning to worry there. If she had fainted or something I’d have had to perform CPR! And the fan girls would not have liked that at all. Especially MY Anastasia! … Though, if CPR was needed, that just might have covered up the whole match loss that was probably on the front page of the papers by now. Oh well!

“Hmm. I’ll try to remember that, Anna,” MacKenzie said honestly. It was very possible he’d forget Anna’s few likes that she had told him easily either because A) Anastasia returned from that so-called ‘chat’ with Max, B) he went searching for Anastasia because she hadn’t returned, or C) Anastasia returned, but Max has somehow upset her. Either way Max was asking for trouble, even if A happened. Rex would be so disappointed in his brother’s bad-mannered behavior. “And not a problem at all. It was my pleasure! Especially for someone such as yourself.”

Two minutes.

Originally Posted by unicornkeeper07 View Post
Aislynn's heart was beating a mile a minute as she got closer and closer in line to meet Colin MacKenzie. He was so dreamy. She was carrying a basket of goodies, with loads of Chocolate Frogs, Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans (except, she spent days taking out the ones that didn't look tasty), Fizzing Whizbees, some of the latest Fleetwood's High-Finish Handle Polish, and a hand embroidered cloth (black and white) of his name and the Magpie crest. She couldn't help but smile, she was incredibly excited.
Rather pleased with himself, MacKenzie leaned over past Anna to see if the line was growing behind her. It was just a pit, but that was normal at events like this. But, Merlin! The next person in line sure did know how to make a grown man want to hug someone (sorry Miss Hopton, but you didn’t bring any Chocolate Frogs or Fizzing Whizbees; next time maybe), someone like Anastasia!

“Why thank you!” he said, taking hold of the goodie basket from out of her hands and setting it on the ground near his feet. Those Chocolate Frogs sure looked delicious! Gazing into the basket briefly, MacKenzie noticed that there was not just Chocolate Frogs or Fizzing Whizbees in there. Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans (hmm, he wasn’t very fond of those), Fleetwood’s High-Finish Handle Polish, and a nifty cloth thing was in there as well! Whew! He definitely need some handle polish as he was running out of that stuff.…

One more minute and Max is in BIIIIIG trouble.

“Well,” MacKenzie muttered, pulling out yet another piece of parchment, “this certainly is wonderful! All this trouble just for an extremely popular Quidditch player from the Montrose Magpies. Wow!” He scribbled on the parchment with a scratch! scratch! scratch! and wrote:

How thoughtful of you to give me that goodie basket!
It sure will come in handy when I need a few sweets
or need to polish up the broomstick.

Keep on fan girling!

Thinking of you,

Colin ‘Hot Scot’ MacKenzie
Nodding more so to himself than anyone else, MacKenzie handed to parchment to the girl and gave her a wink. Seriously, those Chocolate Frogs, Fizzing Whizbees, and handle polish were going to come in handy soon! Maybe he’ll be able to share them with-

Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Seeing to it that Max was busy with Cela and Daphne, Anastasia sneaked back over toward Colin, casually strolling up to where he was signing something for Anna.

"Nice job catching that last snitch, by the way, Head Girl," Bunbury complimented her properly. "I know you don't normally play that position - you aren't the right build, after all - but you did a fine job. So much better than our Healer."

She faked a cheery smile for Anna and leaned closer to Colin. She would've wrapped her arm around his but, you know, that could mess up the autographing - and she still needed one of his.
“BUNNY!” MacKenzie shouted, not really sure where the ‘Bunny’ bit came from. Perhaps it was her last name that had inspired him for such a nickname. Whatever. It fit Anastasia perfectly, that was all that mattered! “I knew you’d come back. So … what did Max ‘Old Fart’ Vindictus have to say? He sure kept you for a while. … Oh, oh! Did you step on his toes?” That’s exactly what I would’ve done!

But, yes, Maximus Vinductus was sooooo going to get called by fireplace after he was done informing his dear older brother just how rude he was to him. You just can’t expect to get away with intruding on a conversation that someone was having with the Hot Scot. Let’s not forget that he had also taken his Bunny from him for what seemed like ages! The fun-sucker! Now the entire plot of flying to that far, far away place with her had to be delayed all because of that man! He will be getting in BIGBIGBIG trouble for that too.…
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