Thread: Autograph Tent
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Old 07-13-2009, 05:27 AM   #175 (permalink)
Drake Warren
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Default shuffling the quotes around a bit XD

Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat View Post
"You did play a good game," Reese told him. "Even though you lost." See, think positive. It doesn't really matter if you win or lose, it matter if you played a good game or not. Flexing his arms AND wiggling his eyebrows. "It's Reese Upstead," she answered. Oh, perfect perfect PERRRRFECT white teeth! She just smiled back and tried to hold back all the fangirl squealing.
Drake couldn't keep the smile off his face as he nodded, "Very nice name Reese." he complimented her before looking at the paper and jotting a quick note to her.

You have a cute smile. Stay true to yourself and don't let other people get to you.

Be cool.

Drake Warren - Beater for the Appleby Arrows
Handing the paper back to her he replied, "Well thank you. I can concede defeate. I'll be back for a re-do though." he said nodding his head before saying "It was awesome to meet you Miss Upstead. I hope to see you at a game sometime. I'll introduce you to my teammates." he held out his hand to shake hers.

Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie View Post

Fyo's eyes widened slightly as Drake began to write in his diary. Free ticket? FREE ticket? Free TICKET? As in --- F-R-E-E free, T-I-C-K-E-T ticket? Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh!




"Wow, thanks," he said, shaking off the disbelief. "I'll dehfinettleh owl you if I ever have a problem getting tickets. You SO rock! Just.. have a really nice time here, yeah." And with that, the third year bounded off as quickly as he had arrived.
Drake grinned at the boys enthusiasm. "Well, you're very welcome Fyo. Keep studying hard!" he said before watching him turn and walk away towards another boy.

Originally Posted by Felix_Wildcat View Post
Making her way into the tent for autographs, Selena spotted Drake Warren - yep, the very object of Kat and Lumiere's daydreaming - talking to a Slytherin girl. "I seriously can't believe I'd stoop this low..." She muttered. Owling these two RABID! fangirls have evidently been a mistake; they immediately begged her to get an autograph from Mr. Warren at all cost, and one for each. At least she was the only calm one in here, or so she thought. The tent was packed with fangirls - including Head Girl Anna Greingoth. Ewww. She despised all this crazy going-gaga-over-stars-thingy.

She pulled out the two sparkly notebooks which have been owled to her mere days ago and a quill. Seeing that Drake wasn't done smiling and winking at the Slythie fangirl, she heaved a little sigh and waited patiently for a chance to get his autograph and get out of here at once. This kind of air is suffocating her.
With the rush dying down a bit he turned his attention to a rather quiet girl who rather looked as if she'd rather be anywhere else but here. Smiling down at her he said, "Hello there, what can I do for you?" in a kind voice. No need to scare the poor thing and have her run out screaming he thought as he looked at her, keeping his smile in place.
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