Originally Posted by
Drake Warren
Giving the girl a playful smile, Drake replied, "Other than loosing I'm doing very well. Shoulder is a bit sore but nothing I can't handle." he said flexing his arm to prove his point. Wiggling his eyebrows in a flirtatious way he took the paper from her, "And what is you name hon?" he asked, smiling a bright smile showing perfectly white teeth.
Making her way into the tent for autographs, Selena spotted Drake Warren - yep, the very object of Kat and Lumiere's daydreaming - talking to a Slytherin girl.
"I seriously can't believe I'd stoop this low..." She muttered. Owling these two RABID! fangirls have evidently been a mistake; they immediately begged her to get an autograph from Mr. Warren at all cost, and one for each. At least she was the only calm one in here, or so she thought. The tent was packed with fangirls - including Head Girl Anna Greingoth. Ewww. She despised all this crazy going-gaga-over-stars-thingy.
She pulled out the two sparkly notebooks which have been owled to her mere days ago and a quill. Seeing that Drake wasn't done smiling and winking at the Slythie fangirl, she heaved a little sigh and waited patiently for a chance to get his autograph and get out of here at once. This kind of air is suffocating her.