Join Date: May 2007 Location: Gotham
Posts: 51,213
Hogwarts RPG Name: TBD Gryffindor Hogwarts RPG Name: Zara H. Bunbury-Foster Slytherin Fifth Year | also rearranging and trying not to laugh ;D Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Quote:
Originally Posted by Colin MacKenzie “Anastasia,” he said, simply letting her first name roll off his tongue. Such a pretty name for a pretty girl. “Well, as far as I know, the brooms we had are the fastest ones out there. However, they do seem to be coming out with faster brooms each and every day lately. So we probably do need another upgrade with our brooms.” He shrugged before speaking up again about that broom ride to that place far, far away. “Splendid! Just-”
But then Max came along, and the whole conversation about that crazy kid sort of slipped through his mind. What was he doing over by them? Obviously, MacKenzie thought, he’s here to steal my Anastasia away from me. NEVERRRRR!!
“C’mon, Maximus,” he said, making sure to say Max’s REAL first name. “Let Miss Bunbury here have a good time. That’s why we’re here right? To have a good time, after playing some good ol’ Quidditch? Why else would Rex ha-”
And Anastasia was gone. NOOOOO! She better not be gone long, or Max will have to pay. Yeah, Maximus, why did you have to yank me aside and reprimand me like I'm five years old? Annie echoed Colin in her head. Maybe Rex was the better brother. She was definitely starting to get that impression if the Professionals had anything to say about it. Quote:
Originally Posted by demented_death_eater "Stop twirling your hair, Annie," Max said in a hushed voice and pulled Bunbury close to him. "And don't even mention my unfortunate relation to me. Can you please stop your blantant flirting with Colin for ten minutes and allow the students to get autographs?" He pointed at Plymouth and Daphne. "Those two have been here since the game ended in hopes of getting Colin MacKenzie's autograph. It's our job to make sure the kids get to meet these athletes and when its over, I'm sure you can find a bush or tree to hide behind so you can snog the lips off of the so-called Hot Scot." There, he said it! And he sounded like his father.
But for those bystanders who didn't know the two professors, it appeared that Max was having a lover's quarrel with Annie. Annie promptly let go of her hair like her hand had been slapped. She folded her arms instead and leaned away from Max - mean ole Maximus with his panties in a bunch. Hmph.
"Blatant flirting?!?!1!! Well maybe you should stop your moping and organize the kids into lines!" the redhead grumbled. She wasn't going to admit out loud that the flirting had been that obvious.
She had to bite her lip from chuckling at his face, though, when he brought up snogging. "Suuuure we're the champions but it's all about getting their autographs," she shook her head. "And if I didn't know you better, I'd say you sound jealous, Maxi, absolutely jealous." There, she'd said it! "Do you happen to know of any good bushes around here anyways? There is the broomshed over there...hmm..." she trailed off just to annoy him and tapped one finger on her chin as if she were truly considering sneaking off with Hottie McScotty. Quote:
Originally Posted by Ama Daphne pretended to be properly scandalized by Celandine's forwardness but in the end ruined her seriously shocked face by giggling. Again. Loudly. She shimmied closer towards her best friend, their two blond heads nearly touching as she they chatted in (loud) whispers. "That's very witty!" she chirped. "An autograph in each arm by two beaters. Ha." So Celandine. Cela wasn't telling her about the tricks and Daphne pouted impatiently. Patiieeence. She didn't have it. Nope.
"Which part?" whispered Daphne dramatically, losing at the whole subtle attempt and staring pointedly at Professor BunBunz. "The part about her being taken or the part of her being with Truebridge? Because they're both really important. Avalon and Professor Truebridge. I was almost shocked out of my mind."
SHOCKED. Ha. Made a funny. Because she had just been electrocuted and--Okay, moving on. Quote:
Originally Posted by Celandine "I guess it makes sense. They are both really smart right? Book people? I guess... they are kind of cute together. Are Professors allowed to date? I wonder if they would like... get married!" Quote:
Originally Posted by Ama Daphne gasped loudly, getting caught up with her imagination. "Do you think so? I think they match each other really well. They'd have adorable children."
Well, they would, wouldn't they? Oh. Daphne nudged Cela's side slightly. "You know him?" Forget Daphne was in the same House as Jack Fritzera. She had spent most of her terms hiding from her fellow housemates. Maybe she needed to remedy that somehow. "Vindictus? I don't see why not. Do you want to go ask him?"
Professor Vindictus was kinda pretty too. Kinda. Speaking of Vindictus he was having some kind of unpleasant talk with Professor BunBury. Appalled, Daphne blushed in BunBunz behalf.
A bush? Snogging?
Her hazel eyes fell back and forth between the two staff members. Just what was going on? Vindictus acted like he was growing tired of BunBury's behavior. Had it happened before?
GASP. SCANDAL! Letting her eyes casually drift back toward Colin to annoy Max further, Anastasia overheard certain key words yet again. Truebridge and Avalon.... Truebridge and...and...TARTICUS?!!
Her jaw dropped open just a little before Annie promptly recovered and started blinking rapidly. WELL. It seemed someone neglected to share certain details with his good friends, like the fact that he was dating a ridiculously rude intern. Suddenly, snogging Colin MacKenzie seemed like wonderful idea, and Anastasia thought of the perfect couch for cuddling. Oh yes. A good friend's couch, in fact.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |