Thread: Autograph Tent
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Old 07-13-2009, 04:23 AM   #146 (permalink)
Drake Warren
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Originally Posted by Seeker_Seven View Post
"Make way! Make way! Urgent Quidditch business!" Laden with several glasses of iced tea, punch, cookies, scones, muffins, licorice, and a small cheese platter, Tino elbowed his way back into the autograph tent in search of Drake Warren. Sure, the man had only requested iced tea. But what if he changed his mind later? Or what if his blood sugar got low? Whenever that happened to Tino, his hands shook. You couldn't give a proper autograph with shaky hands! Tino was firmly resolved.

"Here, Mr. Warren! Your tea! And some other--stuff." Tino dumped the lot on the table next to the Beater. "You must try the gouda with the pepper cracker! It's divine. Are your hands getting cramped yet? I do a great hand massage!"
Drake looked around for his little helper dude and spotted him elbowing his way through the crowd, ladled with food. He couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh as the boy stopped neside him. he was a bit freaky in his own unique way, but it made Drake feel all that much happier knowing somenoe at least seemed to like him. "Thanks sport." he said with a grin as he took the iced tea and took a good long swig from it.

"Gouda eh? I love a good hunk of cheese." he said as he picked up the pepper cracker and gouda taking a bite. "You're right, t is good." he added after swallowing. Giving Tino a quick smile he ruffled the kids hair once more. "My hands are good for now kiddo, perhaps in a few more minutes though." he replied to him as nother student came up and he signed his mane.
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