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Daphne was convinced that Colin MacKenzie reminded her a whole lot of her bodyguard/nanny Davis. He was tall, beefy with kind eyes. However, Davis wasn't exactly the most sociable of human beings and he insisted in pretending there was DANGER in every nearby bush, shadow and bucket. "Yes, I'm quite aware of that, Sir," quipped Daphne with a polite grin. "We're all very happy and honored that you've all agreed to play here. With us. Well--them," corrected the blond gesturing at Tino in the distance raiding the food table.
Lip Poopwell? He was looking for that horrible man? "Yes, I know him. We--exchanged words. Earlier," informed Daphne deciding she'd deduct 100 more points off Kip Norwood just because she could and just because his memory still irritated her. "If I must help you I suppose there's nothing I can--"
Eh? Daphne quirked a brow at Colin MacKenzie. He wanted her to get on his shoulders?
"Sir, with all due respect," began the blond once more. "It's very generous of you to offer your shoulders to me." Right? "But I'd much rather stick to the ground."
Although this would be a perfect moment to enrage her Mother with a highly improper act Daphne would have to pass up on it. She was 14 years old, Merlin's Beard. What would people think? "You have very handsome shoulders though." Not wanting to offend him, she reached out and clapped him on the side of his arm.
Good chap, this one. 500 POINTS for trying.
“How sweet of you,” he replied when Miss Hopton mentioned that they were happy to have the Quidditch professionals here. Well, at least
most of them were happy with their appearance here at Hogwarts. That batty professor he had unfortunately exchanged words with earlier wasn’t pleased. Colin hoped the kids hated the subject she taught, whatever it may be.
Mackenzie’s eyes widened slightly when Hopton mentioned that she had talked with Norwood earlier. Oh, Merlin, hopefully Norwood hadn’t done something to make the paparazzi get a bigger pay in their paychecks or had managed to end up doing something he could easily get sued for. Yes, Rex was definitely going to hear a word or two (a whole speech, actually!) about Norwood.
Ahh, I see,” he said, after Hopton had clapped him on the side of the arm. “Thank you for saying that I have handsome shoulders. I’d be a complete wreck without them out there on the pitch, I would. Well, if you do happen to come across Norwood any time soon, just make sure you let me know. Hopefully he won’t do something incredibly stupid like-”
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Marching into the tent, Bunbunz immediately spotted her THE Hot Scot and rival captain. She started to sashay in his direction, flicking one long section of red hair over her shoulder as she walked.
And then she overheard him offering a shoulder ride to Daphne Hopton?! Merlin's pants, they just keep getting younger and younger...
"Captain Colin," Anastasia drawled, coming to a halt in front of the man. She folded her arms and flicked her blue eyes up and down his frame, smirking just a bit. "I'm glad you survived that Cream of Professional Soup - erm, match, I mean. Are you offering rides to the students now? Just the students?"
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Ah! BunBunz! She was such a lovely Professor with such lovely boots! Daphne Hopton was momentarily distracted by their length, and texture and...lovely--intimidating vibe.
Daphne's hazel eyes shifted from the Professor's boots to her face then back at Colin MacKenzie. "Not to sound like a stick in the mud," chimed in the blond lifting a finger. "But I hardly think..." Anyone should be riding Colin's shoulders. "That riding shoulders can be a safe...endeavor."
Maybe she should take back her words and ride Colin's shoulders anyways.
Ha. Ha. No. Never.
His sentence was interrupted when MacKenzie noticed a certain redhead making her way through to tent. Over to
HIM! A large grin appearing on his face, he watched as the Captain for Hogwarts during the first session of that match halted in front of him. She did get those bugs out of her gorgeous red hair right? It looked like she had, which was a good thing for everyone – mostly him, however.
“Well, I had to survive in order to see you, miss, didn’t I? How else would I be able to see the first Hogwarts Captain after that terrible accident of yours if I didn’t?” he asked, trying to change to his Quidditch loss to a bunch of professors and little, hyperactive children (who seemed to make up most of the team, actually). Ha! That’s how Hogwarts won: they gave the kids a whole bunch of sugar. No wonder…
He chuckled when the redhead asked if he was just giving rides to the students. “Well, in a way, I suppose,” he began, still wearing that grin as he ignored what Miss Hopton had to say on the matter of shoulder-riding. “I was just asking Miss Hopton here if she’d like to look for Norwood for me on my shoulders, but she’d rather stick to the ground. One time opportunity. Though I could let you have a go, just for you.” Wink.