Thread: Autograph Tent
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Old 07-12-2009, 06:56 PM   #75 (permalink)
Kizzie Ainsley
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Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie View Post

She was calling him SWEETIE!

It was a wonder he wasn't swooning. Fyo grinned at Kizzie when she said she liked his name. "I like yours," he returned, warmly. And he did. Honestly! It was just so.. Kizzie-like! Ohmygosh, KIZZIE! His gaze was fixed on his forearm as she signed it, and he was clearly super-excited.

Favourite fan?


"Yeah, I play quidditch," he said, nodding quickly. "Not on the school team or anything," he added, this time more hesitantly - he had had a problem with nerves, at the time of try-outs, he had. "But I'm good at chasing. Plus -"

He broke off, hearing a familiar voice. Torin!
"Thank you." Once upon a time, Kizzie had absolutely hated her name. As a child, she blamed it for her being continiously teased by other children; mostily boys. The resentment towards the name ended sometime during her teenage years. Not that really anyone except her family would know she had loathed the name years ago.

She gave a nod of understanding when the boy said he didn't play for Hogwarts. "You are? That's wonderful. Maybe I'll see you playing for a Professional team one day."
Originally Posted by Whitterz View Post
Torin walked into the tent, excited. There were Professional players in here!!

Spotting Fyo getting an autograph from Kizzie Ainsley (wow, the Kizzie Ainsley), he walked up to his starstruck friend. "Are you in there Fyo?" he asked laughing at his friend.

"Can I have an autograph too?" he then added, turning to the lovely Quidditch player.

Wow, Kizzie Ainsley!!
Kizzie chuckled as the boy, who would appear to be slightly older than Fyo, found his way to them and teased his friend. She was assuming they were friends, anyway. "Of course, hun. What would you like me to sign?" She mused, adding as an after thought. "And your name would be useful, too."
Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie View Post
Wait - what if Butterfly found out? OH NO! Fyo quickled turned to her - Kizzie, not Butterfly - trying not to gape, as he did so. "I'll be back in a minute," he said with a nod. "Just need to.. get an autograph from Quinn." Yeah, that would do as an excuse. "It was lovely meeting you, though," he added. "Thank you for -- signing me."
"You go right a head," She encouraged, glancing in the direction of the Beater and back. "Nice meeting you, too, love."
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz View Post
Oooooh... That was until.... Kizzie came. Plymouth made a little motion to Daphne that he'd right over there. WIth Kizzie. Erm... Getting Daphne and autograph. Ahem.

"Hehe." Plymouth moved in behind Fyo to wait out his turn with Kizzie "GIMME KISSES" Ainsley.
Noticing another teenage wizard waiting to get her attention, Kizzie motioned for him to step forward and offered him a warm smile. "What can I do for you?"
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