Thread: Autograph Tent
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Old 07-12-2009, 06:43 PM   #73 (permalink)
Emma Greene
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Posts: 91

Originally Posted by dingDong View Post
Emma. Greene. EEEK.

Cam was an avid Chudley Cannons fan and he NEEDED her autograph because well--well SHE was Emma Greene. There were so many All-Stars here now, it felt so impoooosssiible. He wanted to get as many autographs as he could, this was some sort of a once in a moment life time right? Bleh. He didn't know if it'd happen again actually but WHATEVERRR, he wanted to get AUTOGRAPHS and even MOARR AUTOGRAPHS. He walked up to the Chudley Cannons Seeker until he was only a feet away from her.

Presence. So close. Should he faint??

"AHMAHGAWSHH," he blurted out, "you--YOU'RE the EMMA GREENE. C--can I have your autograph?"
Emma turned to face yet another student. They were certainly enthusiastic and flustered. She couldn't help but laugh this time as someone else pointed out the obvious. "well, yes, I believe your the second one to acknowledge that." She said through giggles. These kids were always a lot of fun.

"Of course you can. Anything especial you want me to write?" she said as she picked up some parchment and quill.
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