SS Featured AuthorTürk Bilgini Bugbear
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: {in a leap of faith}
Posts: 31,791
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sarani Glass Graduated x12
| ♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] Quote:
Originally Posted by Kizzie Ainsley Kizzie grinned at Fyo's enthusiasm. This was exactily what she needed to improve her mood, and aggravation towards another Chaser after Quidditch. It wasn't a match she would enjoy telling anyone about, that's for sure. Unless she could keep it at 'the students and several of their Professors were very impressive, blah blah blah'. Which was the truth, they were good. Really good. "You're welcome, sweetie." Kizzie loved kids. Was that apparent enough? "That's a nice name, Fyodor. I like it," Kizzie nodded once he was sure she should sign his arm, and adjusted the quill between her thumb and index finger as she gently held his arm to keep it straight. She signed: To my new favorite fan, Fyodor. Love, Kizzie Ainsley. She winked, handing the young wizard back his quill. "So Fyo, do you play quidditch?" Sweetie.
She was calling him SWEETIE!
It was a wonder he wasn't swooning. Fyo grinned at Kizzie when she said she liked his name. "I like yours," he returned, warmly. And he did. Honestly! It was just so.. Kizzie-like! Ohmygosh, KIZZIE! His gaze was fixed on his forearm as she signed it, and he was clearly super-excited.
Favourite fan?
"Yeah, I play quidditch," he said, nodding quickly. "Not on the school team or anything," he added, this time more hesitantly - he had had a problem with nerves, at the time of try-outs, he had. "But I'm good at chasing. Plus -"
He broke off, hearing a familiar voice. Torin! Quote:
Originally Posted by My Whitz Torin walked into the tent, excited. There were Professional players in here!!
Spotting Fyo getting an autograph from Kizzie Ainsley (wow, the Kizzie Ainsley), he walked up to his starstruck friend. "Are you in there Fyo?" he asked laughing at his friend. "Can I have an autograph too?" he then added, turning to the lovely Quidditch player. Wow, Kizzie Ainsley!! "What do you mean, am I in here?" Fyo asked, Kizzie's spell over him breaking for a moment - probably because Torin had made him realized he was not acting.. well, normal. But - but she was SO awesome!
He needed to get away from Kizzie.
Else he would have KizzieCrush Syndrome FOR LIFE!
Wait - what if Butterfly found out? OH NO! Fyo quickled turned to her - Kizzie, not Butterfly - trying not to gape, as he did so. "I'll be back in a minute," he said with a nod. "Just need to.. get an autograph from Quinn." Yeah, that would do as an excuse. "It was lovely meeting you, though," he added. "Thank you for -- signing me." I love you. Errr.... "Wait for me, will you, Tor?" he said, poking his friend in the ribs. "I'll be back in a sec." Quote:
Originally Posted by Quinn Gallagher Quinn finally made is way into the tent as he seemed to be the last one there, so he wanted to believe. He made sure to clean himself up before greeting his many, adoring fans and he liked to be the last one to enter. It really made a statement with everyone when doing so. Must.
Quinn. That was Quinn, wasn't it? The hot-looking duuude who played for the -? Oh, forget which team he played for, it was enough awesomeness that the guy was here! Fyo trotted off towards him, still in a sort of daze. Must. Not. Think. Of. Kizzie
"Hello," he greeted, finally finding Quinn free of dazed-looking PINK! ladies. "Have I told you you're an awesome flier?" Well, he hadn't, he knew that, but it was still a good way to compliment someone, no? Fyo gave the Quidditch player a huger smile than usual - yes, he was still suffering from KizzieCrush Syndrome - holding out his autograph!diary.
"I'd love to have an autograph," he said with a smile.
Where was Kizzie? |