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Lyra made her way to the tent, dragging Vannie with her. "We have to see them, we just have too!" She glanced around the little autographed tent until her eyes fell upon her favorite player from that magazine that Professor V had. Quinn...whatever his last name was.
"EEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK!" She placed her hands over her mouth in surprise as she grabbed Vannie once again and pulled her towards the SUPER CUTE QUIDDITCH PLAYER.
"H-H-Hiiiiii!" She didn't see Cela there until after she spoke. But what was with the posing...body flutters the girl was sending out. "Cela dear," she whispered as she leaned in to her friend. "Remember the walk."
Oh and there was another one! Cute little blondie who seemed to "Eek" far too loud, but he was proud it was for him. "Top of the day to ya," he said in his Irish accent as he turned back to the other blonde and smiled.
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"Oh I totally do! I'm seeing stars!" Celandine gushed and pointed at her forearm. "Sign me here! My name is Cela and you should totally remember it because one day I'll be famous!"
For what she wasn't sure. But she'd decided now, so it was official.
He took out his black feathered Quill and used his left hand for signing.
Originally Posted by THE Autograph
Love ya, Famous Girl whom I will always remember.
Q Gallagher "Hows that, love?" He gave the young girl a wink and a broad smile, making sure to show off his pearly white teeth. He then took the end of his feather and tapped her nose gently to indicate his flirting abilities.
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"ACKKKK!" Yes Vanessa did want to see the nice looking quiddich stars. But No. Lyra did not have to drag her all the way from the stands to the autograph tent. She midgety girl was surely able to do that by herself!
As Lyra suddenly went all omgggfangirrrl, Vanessa looked, and joined in. "Oh...he is so..." Well until she was dragged of towards the rather nice looking quidditch star. Hmm. Vannie approved.
"Hey." She spoke, smiling, realising she had nothing for him to sign...well apart from her herbology homework. Vanessa grinned as she noticed that Cela was also there. Ooh....The Pink Ladies definetly had taste.
Quinn gave another charming grin towards another fan that walked up to see him. This one seemed to be a little on the smaller side but, he loved all the ladies no matter what they looked like or flaws they had. If they were here to see him, he was here to devote his time. "'Ello," he said with his quill in hand. "You have a place for me to sign too?"
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"Look at Cela," Lyra began as she turned herself back to little Vannie. "She is just majorly drooling over this...Quidditch player." Someone else liked her guy too? Hmmm! That was okay because now Lyra had to fight for his attention.
Wink! WinkWinkWink!
His blue eyes turned back to the other blondie and smiled a rather horrific grin. He certainly didn't know what to think about this one, she was a little scary. "I...believe you have something in your eye as well, laddie."