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She was talking to him.
"Fyo," Fyo replied, a little shakily. Technically, it wasn't - his name was Fyodor: Fyo was just a nickname - but who cared, really? All that mattered was that she was talking to him. "Fyo," he repeated.
He watched her sign one corner of his banner, and his eyes were.. simply huge. "Could you -- sign me?" he asked, looking up at her. "I mean - here." He held out his forearm, before taking out a quill from his pocket. "Please -- use -- this," he said, holding up the quill.
That was tough ink, that was.
It was not going to wear off.
"Unique," Kizzie remarked warmly, having never heard of such a name before, she signed the banner as she spoke:
To Fyo -- Stay adorable. Much love, Kizzie Ainsley -- Chaser of the Holyhead Harpies. "That okay?" She inquired, straightening up and snapped the cap back onto the marker and slipped it into the pocket of her dark green robe.
Sign him? It wasn't the first time she was asked this, nor the first time she hesitated. Accepting the quill he offered her, Kizzie twirled it in her fingers and asked,
"Are you sure?" she wanted to know he was positive before writing on his arm. Ms. Ainsley would never understand why people wanted to have body parts signed, even by famous witches and wizards, it was beyond her.