connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow Quote:
Originally Posted by Celandine "Oh proper dueling. You know. To the pain." Celandine answered nonchalantly and charmed her bag shut, shrunk it and pocketed it. Nooo way she was leaving that chocolate stash unattended.
She stood up and did a few little stretches, took a deeeeeeeeep breath and skipped over to the dueling platform.
"I just want to practice all the things Professor Kazimeriz taught us last year and the things that I've learned from Professor Lawson and maybe some things I read about too."
Experimental dueling was awesome stress relief. Okaaaaay.
Maaaybe this wasn't such a good idea. Brown eyes widened in surprise when Cela started stretching. Yes, she actually started stretching. If that wasn't a sign that she meant business then what was? Uh oh.
He couldn't even steal the chocolate and run.. she'd taken care of that too. "To - To the pain?" Clifford gulped nervously as he too hopped onto the platform. "You don't mean ... pain pain, right?" She was a girl.. she must've meant girly pain, he could handle that. Sure. Right.
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