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Madame Kohan glanced curiously at the young girl as she admitted to an aspiration of becoming an inventor like da Vinci. "Really? My goodness, you certainly have high standards, young lady. I don't see many students who are interested in such matters; though an inventor is just as important as an Auror or Healer. And, as a plus, you'll be remembered forever as the one who invented..well, whatever!"
"Actually, no I didn't know that. I know that 's much more than an inventor, but he's done so much that it's quite difficult to know exactly all that he has done."
As the girl pulled the book off of the counter and then tumbled onto the floor, Madame Kohan immediately hopped off of her stool and hurried around to the front of the desk. "Are you alright?"
Paris beamed at the librarian. She had always had high aspirations. Her mother told her she could be anything in the world and while Paris wanted the world she would start small being an inventor.
"Well I've already invented a few things. I made a color changing hair potion and I tried it out on Copernicus last term. He looked really good." she blushed at her. She shook her head remembering she was dating Chris.
"Thats why I want to learn everything I can about him. I want to petition the Ministry for a time turner so I can meet him," her eyes glazed over as she thought of the great honor it wold be if she could meet her idol.
Paris dusted her jeans off as she picked herself up.
"Yes I'm alright. Just didn't expect that book to be that heavy is all," she smiled as she pointed her wand at the book and it levitated in front of her.
"Thank you Madam Kohan for the book." she told her. She wanted to know everything there as to know about Da Vinci. She smiled at the librarian and went off into a cozy corner of the library to read her book.