Thread: Autograph Tent
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Old 07-11-2009, 07:32 PM   #25 (permalink)
Drake Warren
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 92

Originally Posted by Seeker_Seven View Post
Tino tripped along behind Drake Warren, beaming at the others in line. He'd made a NEW BEST FRIEND! Drake Warren! He'd shaken his hand and let him barf on him and he wasn't even mad! The boy grinned at Daphne and Plymouth, mouthing and pointing 'Look! Drake Warren! Can you believe it?'.

"Can I get you some refreshment, Mr. Warren?," Tino asked anxiously. "Cookies, perhaps? Lemonade or iced tea? Whatever you want! I'm a great fetcher. Or maybe you'd rather have a seat and rest your macho arms?" He practically pranced, still swinging one beater's bat.

Drake couldn't stop the grin that was forming on his face as he walked into the tent, his eyes searching for someone he couldn't find yet. Behind him Tino walked on probably bouncing in his excitement. Man he loved his fans, truly loved them. Even those slightly disturbing ones who send him weird owls on a daily basis. Stoppping at his table he turned to look at him, "You know, an iced tea would be fantastic right now." He said as he spotted the food table, his mouth watering. Raising his voice he called out, "Hello everyone, so glad you could make it. I hoped you enjoyed the game!" in a cheery voice before breaking out into another grin.

Man he was hungry!
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