"Miss Hopton, so nice to see you..." she said with a smile. "I am well aware of the line Miss Hopton, I suggest you stay in it. I am merely going to congratulate professor Vindictus..." She said looking over to Max. Well... she didn't know... "Plus I doubt Professors need stay in line with students..." she said under her breath.
Originally Posted by MaxMaxAbsOfSteel
"So did everyone enjoy the game?" he asked and swiped a butter cookie from the Hogwarts table.
"It was really exciting, right until the end... and for the professionals to have taken time to do this, was really a treat." Ok, enough with the sweetness, "Is... Mr. Norwood... coming... to this... tent?"
Originally Posted by
Kip Norwood
Look at all the people inside already! Excited little critters. He decided he would go say hello to Max and...Oh wait! Blond! Diverting his direction, he made way to the Professor. "Well 'Ello, 'Ello. What year might you be in?" he asked, kissing her hand softly.
Alessia froze. HE. WAS. KISSING. HER. HAND!!!!!
She giggled like a complete idiot, and flushed crimson! "Oh... Mr. Norwood. Such a gentleman. I'm the Runes Professor here at Hogwarts, what a wonderful kiss-
GAME!! Game... thank you for... being here."
She had this immature need to turn to Daphne Hopton and stick out her tongue... but she didn't... she
was a professor!