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Old 07-11-2009, 05:30 PM   #219 (permalink)

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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Brett Carlen
Flourish and Blotts Shopkeeper
Potter Nurse || Hockey obsession <3 | Go Wings! || Geaux Tigers!

Angela watched the proceedings in absolute silence as students and other staff alike spoke to...Bartholomew Henry. She was able to learn quite a few things from simply being observant, but the one piece of information she found intriguing was the fact that this squid apparently knew the cause of the flooding but would not speak of it. Why not? They needed to stop this insane flooding!

When Neo stepped up to the group, offering the squid fish, she peered hopefully towards him. He had to have spoken to the squid before, being the groundskeeper and such. But her hopes were quickly dashed as the squid disappeared into the depths of the water and the water rose higher at a quick pace.

Her head swiveled towards the doors leading outside and then towards the stairs leading to higher levels. A student's voice called out the choice that she was repeating in her own mind. Up or out?

Whichever it would be, they had to make a decision quickly. She glanced towards her fellow staff. "Up?" She suggested. They could always figure out some way to get back down, but could they find some way to get back into the castle after all being outside? They couldn't keep all of these students outside..or maybe they could, but then they would have evacuate the entire castle of the rest of the students; couldn't keep some students in and some students out. But if the castle continued to flood...They needed an emergency meeting and they needed it now.
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