Theme 14: Horn Tongue ♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] "Silence, Potter!" Theme 14: Horn Tongue
"Alice, what are you doing -"
"Sshh," Alice future-Longbottom said, pressing a finger to her lips to indicate silence. James raised an eyebrow - knowing his pretty wild, sixteen year old friend, this could not lead to anything good - before finally nodding.
"What am I supposed to do, this time?" he asked, letting her lead him to God-knows-which part of the castle. It was past curfew, but he was not worried about that: What worried him was the fact that, last time he had been involved in one of her oh-so-brilliant plans, he had ended up using the Horn Tongue hex on a professor.
- Which professor had then given him two weeks' worth of detention and, used though he was to things like that, made it sting by adding a no-quidditch-till-the-detentions-are-over announcement to the whole punishment.
"Sshh," was Alice's only response. James rolled his eyes, tapping her on the back.
"Alice, you know I can't risk any days off the quidditch pitch - The match against Slytherin is in a fortnight's time - The team's going to kill me - I'm captain -"
Alice turned around. "James?"
"Whaa -?"
"Cut the crap."
Last edited by Maxilocks; 10-21-2009 at 09:42 AM.