I just had too :P The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas. finally getting frustrated enough to pull out a dragons tooth William tugged on his shoes, praying they'd come free. He tugged a bit too hard and slammed his knees into the table, but his shoes were free "Yes! Oh thank you thank you tha..." he started to say just as the water melted and began to rise steadily again. "Ohnoitdidn't!" he said quickly, as his feet began to submerge in the freezing cold water. It was like jumping into the lake all over again, except he had shoes on. Not good.
Freaking out he grabbed the first thing he found - which happened to be poor Elizabeth - and tugged himself up, pulling his soaked shoes onto the bench. Water + dry bench = slippery he soon learned as he slipped, pulling them both down onto the floor. He landed on top of her, before rolling off suddenly and landing in the water. It felt like being hit with a Bludger, whatever that meant as he soon gasped laying in the water. "I...I'm...sorry!" he gasped out, imploring Elizabeth not to hurt him for pulling her down with him.
__________________ Forget the future signature; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAH ARI!!! |