Wowza! What is going on? Willow could tell the younger blonde what exactly was going - she was insane, in need to be locked up in Saint Mungo's ward alongside with her Pants Riding boyfriend. But, it was none of her business if the girl was not aware of her poor mental condition, so why should she enlighten her?
Giving her a look that was not far from being disdainful as she left, Willow turned to look at Evolette, just in time to for the HUG.
She had got to stop doing that.
"Oh, really?" So she was going on a date with someone else's boyfriend? Nice. "Where are you two going, exactly? St. Mungo's?" Snicker. "And will you stop with the giggling? Payton is gone now, so there's no need to do it anymore."
Payton, Pierre, Pablo, Pedro, Patrick, Phillip, Plymouth . . . same difference.
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